The Insomniac | A Life Poem by Monique Abbott

The Insomniac Poem by Monique Abbott

Eyes staring wildly like an owl on the hunt

Brainwaves on steroids getting ready for the run

Thoughts exploding a million miles an hour; faster than the speed of the starting gun

Nerves incapable of soothing; irrepressible heart fluttering sensations

Spectators asleep; just those torturous voices in my head cheering me on

Commentators incessantly yapping over all manner of useless, random things. If you could just shut the hell up and stop seeking my attention!

Overpowering feelings amplified with anxiety, fear and apprehension

Tameless emotions sprinting in nanoseconds

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. And what’s with this “clock-watching” compulsion!

Will it ever dissipate? This inconsolable tension; this agonizing self-infliction

Will I ever find sweet relief in slumber without sedation!

Is there no finish line in sight for this endless marathon!

The last refuge of the insomniac is a sense of superiority to the sleeping world.

Leonard Cohen

Monique Abbott - Founder of
Monique Abbott

Hi, I ’m Monique, founder and editor-in-chief of Yes2Yolo, travel addict and lover of home makeover projects among many other passions, including creative and inspirational writing to embolden us to live our best lives. At my core, I am a creative artistic being and I believe that creativity knows no end. 

I’ve explored over 60 countries with my husband Nick. Together we’ve partnered on some truly exciting projects such as creating and running a successful Airbnb business, chairing condo boards, purchasing fixer-uppers and renovating them from scratch on our own while balancing all of this with full-time jobs and family.

While my personal passions are travel and home décor, I am, by profession, a lawyer with over 17 years experience.

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