11 Ultimate Hacks to Work From Home on a Budget in 2022

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If you are working from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic or other reasons, you need a comfortable and dedicated work space. If you can effectively zone yourself out from all the household distractions and simply focus on work you’ll boost your efficiency and productivity.

However, we might not all have the luxury or financial resources available to create dedicated 5 star working environments, the kind that we see on HGTV or Houzz. Some of us even struggle to find a dedicated work from home (WFH) spot due to space constraints etc. Thankfully, there are some great budget-friendly hacks that you can use to set up your WFH area.

We have compiled 11 of the best hacks to help you configure the most ideal WFH space in an affordable way, which have the added benefit of boosting your productivity while ensuring that you work in comfort.

Table of Contents

1. Identify your Workspace

Photo by Visually Us from Pexels
Photo by Visually Us from Pexels

If you have a rarely used spare bedroom or some other room that you can use as an office, that would be perfect.  Unfortunately, for many of us this is not an option, so we have to become a little creative and resourceful. Many gravitate towards the dining table, which is understandable, as you have an instant desktop and chair available. 

However, is it really the best place for a permanent WFH location?  You have to think about those with whom you share your home: will they need the table to eat or want to watch TV in the same room? Also think about foot traffic: will people be constantly walking behind you, which can be a major issue if you spend much time on video conference meetings or the nature of your job requires confidentiality. 

2. Divide Your Room into a Hybrid Space

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Photo from Canva Pro

If space is limited or tight in your home or you have a single bedroom or studio apartment, then finding an ideal area from which to work might be a challenge. Not to worry, you just need to put on your creative cap and think of ways you can go about maximizing your space in the best possible way.

Start by eliminating a few items that are either junk/clutter or nice to look at but are not needed. Alternatively, think of ways that you can better organize the stuff that you have in the existing space so that you can free up a little room for your office stuff.

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Photo from Canva Pro

If you are working with a bedroom only, we know that ideally, this space should be preserved for rest and rejuvenation. But if it’s your only option, here are some easy tips on how to maximize the space while creating a clear demarcation between work and your personal life, and importantly help reduce the likelihood of you falling asleep.

The most practical way of achieving this is to use a divider or partition. One of the greatest things about dividers is that they give you the partition you need without making the space feel dark or claustrophobic. Try to get one with hinges so that you can fit them into whatever space you are working from.

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Photo from Canva Pro

There are many different types of affordable dividers available depending on your budget and design style ranging from upholstered, oriental or vintage screens to wood slat partitions. An even more cost-friendly solution is to use curtains to separate work and sleep areas, bookshelves that you already have at home or stackable recycled wooden crates.  If possible, use dividers that are flexible, meaning you can twist and turn them to fit your WFH space and put them away if necessary.

3. Create a List

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Create a list of things that matter to you the most such as a computer, wireless keyboard, high speed internet, noise reducing headsets, office chair etc.

In other words, the items that you absolutely need to have in your office environment to maximize your productivity and help you to work more efficiently and comfortably. Too many things can cause clutter, so think practically and smartly when you create the list.

4. DIY

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Before you start shopping online or visiting stores, figure out if there is anything from your list that you can do yourself such as setting up a make-shift desk from repurposed or unused bar stools or bedside tables, which you can use as support legs with a piece of wooden board as your surface area.

For some really cool easy designs for your DIY desk, check out Bobvila.com.

5. Use What You Already Have

Woman sipping coffee while working from home -Photo from Canva Pro
Photo from Canva Pro

Think carefully on whether there is anything in your home that you can upcycle such as a comfortable chair, table or cushions. For example: converting your multi-level shoe shelves into a printer or stationary shelf could work really well.

6. Ask, and it will be given to you; Seek and you shall find

Woman asking questions
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Next consider whether there’s anything from your list that you can ask your employer to supply. Some organizations have long-term sustainable WFH initiatives in place and are prepared to provide support for their staff.

Obviously, this would not apply to persons who are self-employed. If you work for an organization and they have made no attempt to provide you with basic office equipment (e.g. laptop or monitor), then ASK them or speak to HR if necessary.

7. Online Classified Sites

Woman shopping online using classified sites

Once your list is narrowed down to the things that you absolutely need to buy, aim for online thrift stores such as Craigslist, Kijiji, or eBay where there are endless bargains. 

There are times when these stores actually give away freebies. You never know, it might be your lucky day!

8. Get a Foldable Table

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Photo from Canva Pro

Talk about flexibility! There is nothing more flexible and functional than a foldable table especially if you are working with a very crammed or tight space. Just simply open it up when you are ready to work and then fold it and slip it under your bed or behind a couch when it’s time for bed.

Try improving your WFH experience, by placing your table next to a window if you can to bring in fresh air and natural lighting. Step things up a notch by adding a little plant on your desk. Ferns or succulents are our absolute favorites, as they are low-maintenance and very easy to care for.

When trying to figure out the best place to put your foldable table, consider positioning it so that your bed is nowhere in sight to avoid the temptation of crawling into a bed for a nap. What was intended to be a 10-minute power nap could easily turn into a 3-hour deep sleep.  So BEWARE of the BED!

9. Get Rid of Clutter and/or Organize Your Stuff

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As alluded to earlier, a good starting place from which to begin if you are struggling to find WFH space is to get rid of the stuff you are not using or don’t need so that you can make room for the office equipment you really need.  

It is often said that less is more, and this is so true in the context of a small space or if operating on a tight budget. You’d be amazed at how much space you can free up for work by just getting rid of clutter.

From an organizational standpoint, clever storage solutions such as boxes, storage ottomans,  stackable containers and decorative baskets help you to throw in both style and functionality in your WFH or hybrid space. One of the benefits of using these solutions is that you can pack your items (e.g. laptop) away after your work day ends, thereby getting rid of all the work related distractions and reconverting your room into a relaxing sanctuary.

10. Use an Affordable Desk Lamp

Desk Lamp - Photo by Canva Pro
Photo by Canva Pro

This is especially important if you are working in a windowless or dark room with very little natural lighting. If you rely on the lighting from your computer screen alone, then very soon you will need to see an optician.

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Photo from Canva Pro

For more tips on how to select the right task lighting for your desk or table and how to position your lighting, read our article on the 8 Best Ways to Elevate your Home using the Right Lighting.

11. Use Multi-Purpose Furniture

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Photo from Canva Pro

Using multi-functional furniture is not just a thing for minimalists and owners of tiny homes. They are a practical way of cutting back on your spending, maximizing available space while getting the best of both worlds when you work from home.  Consider these hacks:

  1. A desk that can be used also as a dressing table
  2. A loft bed with an integrated desk and storage shelves
  3. A small worktable, which you can pull down from a wall
  4. A bed with storage for office supplies below
  5. A dining table that you can convert into a bench or desk
  6. A bookcase with a fold-down table
  7. A lift-top coffee table that transforms into desk
Photo from Canva Pro
Photo from Canva Pro

If implemented, these 11 affordable hacks can significantly improve your work from home experience thus making you more efficient during the workday. If properly applied, they may even help you to be more productive without putting your wellness, self-care and work-life balance in serious jeopardy.

Tell us what you think by leaving us a comment below. Also, if you can think of other hacks, please do share then with us.

Monique Abbott - Founder of Yes2Yolo.com
Monique Abbott

Hi, I ’m Monique, founder and editor-in-chief of Yes2Yolo, travel addict, lover of home makeover projects among many other passions, including creative and inspirational writing to embolden us to live our best lives. At my core, I am a creative artistic being and I believe that creativity knows no end. 

I’ve explored over 60 countries with my husband Nick. Together we’ve partnered on some truly exciting projects such as creating and running a successful Airbnb business, chairing condo boards, purchasing fixer-uppers and renovating them from scratch on our own while balancing all of this with full-time jobs and family.

While my personal passions are travel and home décor, I am, by profession, a lawyer with over 17 years experience.

4 thoughts on “11 Ultimate Hacks to Work From Home on a Budget in 2022”

  1. Hi Monique,

    This is a great blog you have going. I love the diversity, very useful & interesting topics. I’ll be back.

    1. Thank you so much! We do appreciate your support and glad to learn that you’ve found our topics valuable. Please feel free to share ideas with us! Cheers!

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